GlobeChatters! Today is…


International friendship day!

The International Day of Friendship was proclaimed in 2011 by the UN General Assembly with the idea that friendship between people, countries,and cultures can inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities.

Whether you’re looking for a crazy adventure, a new meal you want to try, or a place you want to visit - International friendship will expand your network into new cities and countries. International friendships open doors that may have been shut without them.

When you travel to new places and meet new people, you break out of your comfort zone in which you had lived for so long. You will become more flexible towards traditions or ways that are not your own. You will surprise yourself by the many ways things are done that you would never imagine.

When friendships made while traveling are special. The mixture of various cultures, personalities, and perceptions of life in the midst of the excitement of a foreign place leads to relationships that can pass the distance test.

The more we travel, the smaller our world becomes. Those connections benefit us, as well as the people we meet and the people back home, bringing more understanding and greater empathy to our world.

But the most important thing I believe is that you have a connection with a person from another place of the world that you know you are able to call whenever you need and wont judge. International friends will give you another perspective of things that are going on and will give you solutions that you would never have thought about.

~ Leah @ GlobeChat


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